I came to Dr. Avraham after being told in my kupa's dental practice that a molar needed root canal (a procedure I'd never experienced and wish never to repeat). On the second of the drilling appointments for that, the dentist told me that the tooth was cracked, that nothing could be done but to extract it, to which I did not consent. Several other dentists told me, similarly, with a cracked tooth (which crack could have been caused by the drilling itself), there is only extraction and an implant. A friend told me that Dr. Avraham specializes in saving teeth others say can't be saved. Although she offered no guarantee she did say, and later, once I consented to try, confirmed, that there are cracks and there are cracks and that not all mean the tooth must be extracted. She also examined the gums and the rest of the tooth and felt the attempt to treat the tooth was warranted. We went ahead; her chosen root canal specialist did that, in Dr. Avraham's office, and Dr. Avraham handled the rest of getting the tooth prepared and fitted with temporary and then, a permanent crown. What others said, definitively, was not possible, I now have in my mouth. Dental work is not pleasant, putting it mildly, and people should take vigorous, ongoing care of their teeth and gums to prevent such. But if you have a significant problem, in particular, one that others say can't be treated except with extraction, despite the cost, if you can manage it, do see Dr. Avraham. She is highly skilled, as are her extraordinary dental staff; has the most advanced equipment; and is a dedicated professional .