In our personalized dental treatments

We believe in a personalized dental health care and an effective treatment for the long term

Holistic-integrated dentistry
Durable and esthetic metal - free crowns
Advanced laser assited gum treatments
Biocompatible root canal treatments
Minimally invasive sinus lift
Biological approach for dental implantology
Durable white fillings that dosen't fall
Advanced Laser assisted denatl treatments
 Dr. Sarit Avraham
A graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry in Hadassah, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, who holds an MSC degree in the biomedical sciences of dentistry. Dr. Avraham investigates every medical case patiently, thoroughly and methodically and sees dentistry as an uncompromising professional medical field that leads the health of the mouth and body to a complete balance.
"In our clinic we rarley see people come back with falling fillings, broken crowns, implant complications ... the reality where people undergo treatments and then have to undergo more and more repairs does not exist for us...we research and diagnose the causes of dental problems and build a focused and effective treatment and rehabilitation strategy with the aim of leading to good results for many years . "(Dr. Sharit Avraham)


“My goal is to provide you with results and peace of mind from dental treatments! .”

Dr. Sarit Avraham

Our Treatments

In our clinic, dental and gum treatments are performed using the LASER ASSITED THERAPY technique:

1. For faster and more effective teeth whitening even in difficult cases.
2. For advanced periodontal treatments and oral surgery 
3. For strong and stable fillings
4. For the prevention of root canals and vital pulp treatments
5. For more effective, biocompatible root treatments 
6. To encourage faster healing of the teeth and gums and after surgeries
7. For surgery, extractions and implants

The use of laser helps with deep disinfection, faster healing and better results

3D IMPLANT PALNNONG תכנון תלת מימדי של השתלות

3D planning of dental implantology 

In our clinic, we perform implant surgery according to a precise three-dimensional planning :
1. For higher safety and prevention of complications
2. For better integration of the implant in the jaw bone
3. For stronger and more effective results for the long term
In our clinic, three-dimensional planning of the transplants is done personally by the doctor, not the technician, and a lot of thought is put into how to provide you with the best results with minimal effort on your part and maximum confidence
Advanced technology for a 3-D scanning of your teeth
In order for the dental treatments to be accurate, the use of advanced technologies is mandatory. At Dr. Sarit Avraham's dental clinic, advanced technologies are used to allow you to get maximum precision, along with greater comfort and effectiveness in the long term.

What you need to know about our dental treatments

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The fact that our clinic controls a wide range of advanced treatment methods and technologies  allows us to choose and recommend the most suitable way for you to achieve:

1. Maximum quality

2. A quick and pleasant recovery

3. And effective results for  many years!

We specialize in making you smile

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Patients recommendations

רינה כהן
רינה כהן
עשיתי טיפול שיניים יסודי במרפאה של דר' שרית אברהם. מה שנקרא שיקום הפה (כולל טיפולי חניכים ללא ניתוח,סתימות וכתרים וכמובן התייחסות משמעותית לאסטתיקה של השיניים.הייתי מרוצה מאוד מאוד מהטיפול היסודי והמקצועי,מהרגישות לצרכים שלי ומההתייחסות הסופית למראה. התוצאה מרשימה!!נדרשת השקעה כספית כמו כל טיפולי שיניים אבל ההשקעה הייתה שווה לחלוטין. ממליצה בחום!!!
שרה מאיר
שרה מאיר
מרפאת שיניים כזו לא תפגשו!אני רוצה להודות באופן אישי לד״ר שרית אברהם ולצוות המסור והנדיר שלהשנותן פתרונות חכמים שלא קיימים בענף הרפואה בארץ שלנוהם בוחנים ומצלמים בכל זוית ועושים בדיקה מעמיקה לצורת הטיפול הנכונה כדי לחסוך פלישות מיותרות, כסף ואנרגיה ללקוחעברתי הרבה מאוד טיפולים עד שהגעתי אליכם וכולם טיפלו ללא סוףהעיקר לסתום ולקדוחופעם ראשונה אתם עושים את המיטב המדויק והחדשני בצורה כל כך אחראית ופורצת דרךאין מילים!!!! זכות גדולה לעבוד אתכם
“AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME!”I accompanied a friend to her appointment at Dr. Sarit’s office and asked if it were possible to fix the small crack between my upper two front teeth. After gentle and careful investigation, Dr. Sarit told me that small crack was the least of my mouth problems. She showed me I had a roaring infection lining my entire right upper gum line as well as a dead tooth (the culprit?). Just days before, my previous dentist sent me home seeing none of this. I had gotten to Dr. Sarit AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME!Dr Sarit and Maya are highly skilled, courteous and professional. Their office uses the most up-to-date and holistic dental technology.As a new Olah, I feel blessed to have found Dr. Sarit’s office and highly recommend her for all of your dental needs.⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Uri Shiran
Uri Shiran
אחרי שהתגלגלתי ממרפאה למרפאה, סוף סוף מצאתי את ה מקום שבאמת דואג לך ועושה הכל למען המטופל , צוות מקצועי, איכותי, אדיב ומתחשב.טיפול שיניים באיכות גבוהה , חדשני הייטקי ממש.הטיפול תמיד מתחיל בפגישה מקדימה עם ד"ר שרית שהיא אדם מיוחד בפני עצמו, שמסבירה בשקיפות מלאה על הטיפול, ונמשך בטיפול שנעשה בשלווה ומלווה בהסבר, הרוגע שהיא מצליחה להשרות על המטופל פשוט מדהים..!!כדאי גם לצפות בסרטונים של ד"ר שרית בדף הפייסבוק, מעניין ומלמד, ככה בעצם הגעתי למרפאה.מאחל לכל הצוות המדהים הזה הצלחה רבה
היה לי כמה סיבוכים בשן שהובילו בסופו של דבר לטיפול שורש ולאורך כל הדרך דר שרית אברהם תמכה בי ונתנה לי מענה מקצועי גם אחרי שעות הפעילותשמחה שנתקלתי ברופאה מקסימה ומאוד אנושית כמוהה ובצוות שלה
אברהם ק
אברהם ק
צהריים טובים.אתמול עברתי טיפול מיוחד ומורכב על הצד הטוב ביותר.יש לציין שלמרות ששבוע שעבר הוסבר לי בטלפון על כל תהליך הטיפול. ד"ר שני סמואלקיבלה אותי בחיוך ורוגע והסבירה שוב ובפרוט את כל המהלך מול הצילומים במחשב.הטיפול היה מקצועי מאד מאד מאד... , מדוייק ,עם הרבה סבלנות , רגישות בכל שלב ושלב.גם בסיום הטיפול הרגשתי דאגה והאיכפתיות שהכל יהיה על הצד הטוב היותר.תודה רבה.מעריך מאד , זה לא מובן מאליו.יהי רצון שתמיד תיהיו שליחים טובים.
אורנה צמח
אורנה צמח
מודה ליקום שבתזמון מדוייק הפגיש אותי עם ד"ר שרית אברהם ועם הצוות המקצועי הנפלא שהיא בוחרת להעסיק במרפאתה. (מזכירה נפלאה, אסיסטנטיות מעולות, שינניות ליגה לאומית, כירורגים למקרה הצורך, מומחי שרש כשצריך ).הגעתי ללא היכרות מוקדמת. מלאת חששות, האם יקשיבו לי, האם ירגישו אותי, האם יהיו סבלניים, האם יצליחו לרכוש את אמוני.....והכל קרה. ממש הכל. התחברתי. אני מקבלת מד"ר שרית הסברים, אפשרויות, ייעוץ סופר מקצועי ועבודה - מוקפדת יסודית ומקצועית.שווה להכיר⚘⚘⚘ממליצה⚘⚘⚘כי על שיניים ובריאות הפה לא מתפשרים⚘⚘⚘
Shulamit Magnus
Shulamit Magnus
I came to Dr. Avraham after being told in my kupa's dental practice that a molar needed root canal (a procedure I'd never experienced and wish never to repeat). On the second of the drilling appointments for that, the dentist told me that the tooth was cracked, that nothing could be done but to extract it, to which I did not consent. Several other dentists told me, similarly, with a cracked tooth (which crack could have been caused by the drilling itself), there is only extraction and an implant. A friend told me that Dr. Avraham specializes in saving teeth others say can't be saved. Although she offered no guarantee she did say, and later, once I consented to try, confirmed, that there are cracks and there are cracks and that not all mean the tooth must be extracted. She also examined the gums and the rest of the tooth and felt the attempt to treat the tooth was warranted. We went ahead; her chosen root canal specialist did that, in Dr. Avraham's office, and Dr. Avraham handled the rest of getting the tooth prepared and fitted with temporary and then, a permanent crown. What others said, definitively, was not possible, I now have in my mouth. Dental work is not pleasant, putting it mildly, and people should take vigorous, ongoing care of their teeth and gums to prevent such. But if you have a significant problem, in particular, one that others say can't be treated except with extraction, despite the cost, if you can manage it, do see Dr. Avraham. She is highly skilled, as are her extraordinary dental staff; has the most advanced equipment; and is a dedicated professional .
Tzipporah Bragg
Tzipporah Bragg
I recommend Dr. Sarit. She is a up to date in her knowledge and her practices follow the most healthy dental standards. She is also kind and considerate to what is in the best interest to her patients. She is an example of a professional who truly wishes to serve, as she goes above and beyond the call of what is needed at the time.
עופרה בנימיני
עופרה בנימיני
הגעתי לד"ר שרית אברהם להתייעצות מהמפגש הראשון התרשמתי שהגישה של ד"ר שרית הוליסטית וייחודית.ד"ר שרית התאימה לי תכנית לשיקום הפה. זכיתי לטיפול מסור ומקצועי מאוד מלווה במתן הסברים מפורטים לאורך כל שלבי הטיפול ובסבלנות רבה.אני שבעת רצון מתוצאות הטיפול מחייכת בשמחה ובעיקר אוכלת בהנאה. ברצוני להביע את את תודתי והערכתי לד"ר שרית ולצוות המרפאה. הקשר עם ד"ר שרית ימשך לצורך בדיקות תקופתיות לשמירה על בריאות הפה. לכל מי שמעוניין בטיפול שיניים מסור ואחראי אני ממליצה בחום על ד"ר שרית אברהם וצוות המרפאה. עופרה בנימיני.
Ophrah Listokin
Ophrah Listokin
Dr. Sarit is a dentist who cares about her patients. She takes the time to listen and explain what she will do. She is open to suggestions and questions. She is also up to date on new developments and techniques.I am very pleased with her work and highly recommend her.
Maud Taylor
Maud Taylor
This is the best dentist I have ever been to! Dr Sarit Avraham does long-term wholistic natural dentistry. She corrected all the mistakes done in my past. She also listens patiently to your dental history and uses the safest and latest technologies in a comfortable setting. She works with the best specialists and with them , she undertakes to solve problems that other dentists with a narrower outlook tend to ignore, with efficiency and precision.
Excellent, professional and top quality work from Dr Sarit and her staff. Sarit took the time to make me feel comfortable and at ease while being sensitive and gentle. Her intricate and delicate skills allowed for minimal pain and comfort.I highly recommend Dr Sarit!!
A. Shaul, Real Estate Agent
A. Shaul, Real Estate Agent
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I gave up the dream of having a nice smile a long time ago. I met with Dr. Avraham regarding possible treatments for some dental issues that required urgent attention. In addition to my dental problems I have a few health issues that I was worried would interfere with dental treatment.
I saw immediately that a thorough examination and consultation took place involving several highly experienced dental experts. It was fascinating to watch the work of the best from the side...and then to be a beneficiary. My improved smile absolutely helps me to feel more comfortable especially as a member of a choir
S. Yosef, accountant
S. Yosef, accountant
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I had dental bridges for a long time and they began to fall out recently. My dentist would reattach them each time. I didn’t understand it kept happening and nor could be done to stop me constantly worrying that my teeth were falling out and there was nothing to be done to stop it.
I met with Dr. Sarit Avraham and she immediately understood my predicament. She sent me for a medical checkup, built me a course of treatment and explained it in great detail.
A maxilla facial surgeon was involved in the treatment and Dr. Avraham was there with me the entire way. Today I enjoy oral health and stability.
A. Shirat, Translator
A. Shirat, Translator
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I had a problem with a front tooth and was certain I was going to lose it. One clinic I turned to suggested an extraction and dental implant. I really wanted to save the tooth if possible.
Dr. Sarit Avraham listened with compassion and patience followed by a personal, holistic dental treatment course which saved the front teeth, straighten them and actually improve my smile significantly. I’ve been referring people to Dr. Avraham’s clinic ever since.
A. Meira, An Ulpan teacher
A. Meira, An Ulpan teacher
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I suffered from gum disease for years never finding a satisfactory solution. I had two periodontal surgeries which both failed. I then read a couple of articles by Dr. Sarit Avraham on the Internet which piqued my curiosity enough to make an appointment and see what she might be able to offer me.
From the moment I entered the clinic I understood that I was in the hands of a responsible, dedicated dental professional who speaks to you in language you can easily understand. The first meeting was very pleasant. I was given a full explanation of what needs to be done based on the results of my examination. I decided to undergo the complete treatment as it was proposed to me and I am very pleased.   Beyond the fact that I am no longer ashamed to smile and don’t have to hide my teeth with my lips, (something I did for many years) there was a significant improvement in the health of my gums, without surgery. The results of the treatment are fantastic. Highly recommended.
P Hadassah, Speech Therapist
P Hadassah, Speech Therapist
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I suffered from constant sensitivity in my teeth. It was hard to eat. I felt that something was wrong and my teeth were getting shorter. Clinics I went to fitted me with night guards (splints). It turned out that I suffered from tooth erosion caused by high acidity in my mouth and not just resulting from teeth grinding.
I met with Dr Sarit Avraham who carried out a complete, comprehensive examination. First she sent me for medical tests and then prepared a treatment strategy.  
Dr. Avraham restored me to complete oral health and a smile that I haven’t had since I was young.
Bat El, Retiree
Bat El, Retiree
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My daughter referred me to Dr Avraham’s clinic to see if she could do something to improve my smile, which made me very self-conscious. At this stage I had already consulted a number of dental clinics.
I was very impressed with the care Dr. Avraham took, sitting and listening why I was troubled by how my teeth looked. She asked questions in order to understand what dental treatment she could offer me the best possible solution to my dental issues. It was clear that I would continue the treatment with her clinic and am very satisfied with the way I was treated, the kindness, sensitivity, precision and sense of security the dental staff gave me.
I.Prole, Israel Defense Forces Elite Unit
I.Prole, Israel Defense Forces Elite Unit
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At the age of 11 years, I fell and one of my front teeth fell out. It was horrible. We found the tooth and a dentist we went to was able to save and reinsert it. The problem was that infection set in and caused me a lot of problems. My mother took me to many experts for consultations. All the proposed treatments were too complicated and put us off.
We made an appointment with Dr. Avraham who listened carefully to my situation. She then consulted with a number of experts after an effective program of treatment was offered. Her approach related not just to the tooth but to the area around it as well. At this point I feel that I can smile again with being self-conscious. I know that the treatment requires some follow up work and when I finish my military service I will return to the clinic. But for now, I am happy that a solution to my situation was found that enables me to function better and boosts my self-confidence.
B. Shorel, an Artist
B. Shorel, an Artist
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I suffered from severe jaw pain. It was difficult to function at all. In addition, several dental crowns broke and I felt hopeless.
I was skeptical at first as the young woman I met was the youngest dentist I had ever encountered. (This was already quite a few years ago.) However, after the examination I understood that the person who had referred me was not wrong. The examination process, the examinations of the mouth as a total system connected to the health of the whole body and the precision of the exam and treatment were outstanding. The entire process was soothing and compassionate. Everything was done with my needs in mind. The staff listened to what I had to say with infinite patience. During my appointments they played music I liked and the entire experience was very pleasant.   The treatment restored me to full function (One cannot assume that procedures will succeed when dealing with dental problems as complicated as mine.) I am profoundly grateful for their treatment and care.
B. Ofra, Preschool teacher, retired
B. Ofra, Preschool teacher, retired
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Over the years, I have undergone countless dental treatments until I decided recently that I’m done with them. It’s unacceptable to me that I continue to undergo endless treatments. I felt that I needed to invest in a unique more promising way to remedy my discomfort once and for all.
I consulted with Dr. Avraham who proposed a program to rehabilitate my teeth and gums. The treatment was professional; the staff dedicated and very patient, providing me with detailed explanations every step of the way. I am satisfied with the results, able to smile and most importantly, able to again enjoy eating. I want to convey my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Avraham and her dental team. I will continue to use Dr. Avraham for my routine check-ups for good oral health maintenance. I recommend Dr. Avraham and her associates to anyone looking for dedicated, professional dental care.
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